Jesus How Do You Know When the End Is Near? Verse

Jesus Christ Will Return to the Earth

  • What are some of the signs of the Second Coming?

The Savior told Joseph Smith, "I will reveal myself from heaven with power and slap-up glory … and dwell in righteousness with men on globe a thousand years, and the wicked shall not stand up" (D&C 29:xi; come across also capacity 44 and 45 in this book). Jesus has told the states that sure signs and events will warn us when the time of His Second Coming is well-nigh.

For thousands of years, followers of Jesus Christ have looked forward to the Second Coming as a time of peace and joy. But before the Savior comes, the people of the earth will experience great trials and calamities. Our Heavenly Male parent wants united states of america to exist prepared for these troubles. He too expects us to be spiritually ready when the Savior comes in His celebrity. Therefore, He has given united states signs, which are events that will tell usa when the Savior's Second Coming is near. Throughout the ages God has revealed these signs to His prophets. He has said that all faithful followers of Christ will know what the signs are and volition exist watching for them (run into D&C 45:39). If we are obedient and true-blue, we will study the scriptures and know of the signs.

Some of the signs foretelling the Second Coming of Jesus Christ take already been or are now being fulfilled. Others will exist fulfilled in the future.

Wickedness, War, and Turmoil

Many of the signs are terrifying and dreadful. The prophets take warned that the world will experience peachy turmoil, wickedness, state of war, and suffering. The prophet Daniel said that the fourth dimension before the 2nd Coming would be a time of trouble such as the world has never known (meet Daniel 12:1). The Lord said, "The love of men shall wax cold, and iniquity shall abound" (D&C 45:27). "And all things shall exist in commotion; and … fear shall come upon all people" (D&C 88:91). We can expect earthquakes, disease, famines, great storms, lightnings, and thunder (see Matthew 24:vii; D&C 88:xc). Hailstorms will destroy the crops of the globe (encounter D&C 29:sixteen).

Jesus told His disciples that state of war would fill the earth: "Ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars. … For nation shall rise confronting nation, and kingdom against kingdom" (Matthew 24:vi–7). The Prophet Joseph Smith said: "Be not discouraged when we tell you of perilous times, for they must presently come up, for the sword, famine, and pestilence are budgeted. At that place shall be great destructions upon the face of this land, for ye need not suppose that one jot or tittle of the prophecies of all the holy prophets shall fail, and there are many that remain to be fulfilled yet" (Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith [2007], 252).

Many of these signs are being fulfilled. Wickedness is everywhere. Nations are constantly at war. Earthquakes and other calamities are occurring. Many people at present suffer from devastating storms, drought, hunger, and diseases. We can be sure that these calamities will become more than severe before the Lord comes.

However, non all the events preceding the 2nd Coming are dreadful. Many of them bring joy to the world.

The Restoration of the Gospel

The Lord said, "Light shall break forth among them that sit in darkness, and it shall be the fulness of my gospel" (D&C 45:28). Prophets of one-time foretold the Restoration of the gospel. The Apostle John saw that the gospel would exist restored by an affections (see Revelation 14:6–vii). In fulfillment of this prophecy, the angel Moroni and other heavenly visitors brought the gospel of Jesus Christ to Joseph Smith.

The Coming Along of the Volume of Mormon

The Lord told the Nephites of another sign: the Book of Mormon would come up to their descendants (see 3 Nephi 21). In Old Attestation times the prophets Isaiah and Ezekiel foresaw the coming of the Book of Mormon (encounter Isaiah 29:4–eighteen; Ezekiel 37:xvi–twenty). These prophecies are at present beingness fulfilled. The Volume of Mormon has been brought forth and is being taken to all the globe.

The Gospel Preached to All the Globe

Another sign of the last days is that the "gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations" (Matthew 24:14; run into also Joseph Smith—Matthew 1:31). All people volition hear the fulness of the gospel in their own language (meet D&C xc:xi). E'er since the Restoration of the Church, missionaries take preached the gospel. The missionary effort has increased until now tens of thousands of missionaries preach in many countries of the world in many languages. Earlier the 2nd Coming and during the Millennium, the Lord will provide ways to bring the truth to all nations.

The Coming of Elijah

The prophet Malachi prophesied that before the Savior's Second Coming, the prophet Elijah would exist sent to the world. Elijah would restore the sealing powers so families could be sealed together. He would also inspire people to be concerned most their ancestors and descendants. (Come across Malachi 4:5–6; D&C 2.) The prophet Elijah came to Joseph Smith in April 1836. Since that time, involvement in genealogy and family history has grown. We are also able to perform sealing ordinances in the temples for the living and the dead.

Lehi's Descendants Will Become a Great People

The Lord said that when His coming was well-nigh, the Lamanites would go a righteous and respected people. He said, "Before the great day of the Lord shall come up, … the Lamanites shall bloom every bit the rose" (D&C 49:24). Great numbers of Lehi's descendants are now receiving the blessings of the gospel.

Edifice of the New Jerusalem

Virtually the time of the coming of Jesus Christ, the true-blue Saints will build a righteous city, a city of God, called the New Jerusalem. Jesus Christ Himself volition rule there. (See iii Nephi 21:23–25; Moses 7:62–64; Manufactures of Faith one:10.) The Lord said the urban center will be congenital in the state of Missouri in the The states (see D&C 84:2–3).

These are only a few of the signs that the Lord has given u.s.. The scriptures describe many more.

  • What evidence practise you lot see that the signs are being fulfilled?

Knowing the Signs of the Times Tin Help U.s.a.

  • How can nosotros remain calm and at peace even when some of the signs are terrifying and dreadful?

Speaking of His Second Coming, the Lord said, "The hour and the mean solar day no homo knoweth, neither the angels in heaven" (D&C 49:7). He taught this with the parable of the fig tree. He said that when we see a fig tree putting forth leaves, we can tell that summer will soon come up. Besides, when we come across the signs described in the scriptures, we can know that His coming is about. (See Matthew 24:32–33.)

The Lord gives these signs to assist u.s.a.. We can put our lives in society and prepare ourselves and our families for those things yet to come.

We accept been warned of calamities and told to set up for them, but we can as well expect forward to the coming of the Savior and be glad. The Lord said, "Be non troubled, for, when all these things [the signs] shall come to laissez passer, ye may know that the promises which have been fabricated unto you shall be fulfilled" (D&C 45:35). He said those who are righteous when He comes will not be destroyed "but shall abide the day. And the globe shall be given unto them for an inheritance; … and their children shall grow upward without sin. … For the Lord shall be in their midst, and his celebrity shall be upon them, and he will be their male monarch and their lawgiver" (D&C 45:57–59).

Additional Scriptures

  • 1 Corinthians 15:22–28 (the end cometh; death is done away)

  • Matthew xvi:1–four (discern signs of the times)

  • Matthew 24; D&C 29:fourteen–23; 45:17–57; 88:87–94; Joseph Smith—Matthew 1 (signs of the 2nd Coming)

  • 1 Thessalonians 5:1–half-dozen (sentry for the signs and fix)

  • D&C 38:30 (prepare so we might not fear)

  • D&C 68:11 (nosotros can know the signs)


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