Driving All Night and I m Finally Back Again Tell Me Where You Been

Best road trip songs
Prototype: Time Out/Sterling Munksgard/Shutterstock

The all-time road trip songs of all time

These route trip songs will make your next excursion a memorable one, whether yous're driving for few hours or a few days

Don't become us wrong—nosotros really love city life. Simply sometimes twenty-four hour period-tripping to a nearby summer music festival doesn't quite satiate our need for escape, and that's where these classic road trip songs come in. When the urge strikes, information technology'south time to hit the highway/motorway/whatever for a expert, quondam-fashioned road trip. Of course, you can't drive in consummate silence—well, you can, only the very thought is giving usa a flat tyre—so we've compiled our listing of the best road trip songs to get your motors running and propel your journey into 5th gear. Crank up classics from the Dominate, the Dead and Prince, and even some Whitesnake, as yous prowl along the open route, forgetting every intendance in the earth.

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Best road trip songs, ranked

'Born to Run' by Bruce Springsteen

1. 'Born to Run' past Bruce Springsteen

Like Bruce Springsteen'south 'Born in the U.S.A.,' 'Born to Run' is darker than it may seem. Embedded in the scuffed poetry of the lyrics is a potent combination of rebellion, sexual practice, cloy and determination—brought to life by the throaty passion of Springsteen'south voice, the liberating wail of Clarence Clemons'due south sax and the sheer propulsive force of the East Street Band's fill-in. "Someday girl, I don't know when/We're gonna get to that place where we really wanna go," Springsteen promises. 'Born to Run', for all its spikes, takes you there. It'south a dear vocal, an urban-jungle cry and a perfect anthem of pedal-to-the-metallic escape.

'Little Red Corvette' by Prince

Photo: Ilpo Musto/King/Shutterstock

ii. 'Little Ruddy Corvette' past Prince

It doesn't take a B.A. in poesy to effigy this ditty's got nothing to do with cars. In the world of Prince, coupés are women, horsepower is a pack of Trojan condoms, and gas is stamina in the sheets. The beat out takes its fourth dimension, synthetic drums echoing into the distance, just equally the Purple One implores his ane-dark stand to take information technology tiresome, to get in two, 3 or more nights. Dez Dickerson peels out in the guitar solo, just she's the one driving here. Perfect pick of auto model—elusive, American, curvy, risky. It wouldn't piece of work as a Ferrari or Rolls.

'Here I Go Again' by Whitesnake

3. 'Here I Become Over again' past Whitesnake

Been dumped recently? You need to go for a drive (preferably in a Jaguar XJ). You've made up your mind. Y'all ain't wasting no more than time. Then tease your hair, don your pleather, and creepo up the volume on this 1982 hitting—just try non to get stuck in traffic. This power ballad works better on the open up road (with no adjacent drivers to estimate your Coverdale cover moves).

'Where the Streets Have No Name' by U2

4. 'Where the Streets Take No Proper name' by U2

This anthemic opening track from U2's landmark 1987 LP, The Joshua Tree, is an ideal kick-starter for whatever road trip (especially if you're wandering about the California desert where the titular yucca plant is normally found). From a whisper, the audio of an organ builds up like a spiritual beacon existence unveiled. It's well over a infinitesimal earlier the Edge's churning guitar and Adam Clayton'southward propulsive bassline kick in, and another 40 seconds before Bono's vocals touch downwards. By then, y'all're ready to hit superlative gear and wail along: 'I want to run/I want to hibernate/I want to tear down the walls that hold me inside.' Though this road trip song is about Bono'south vision of an Republic of ireland costless from grade boundaries, it has inspired endless highway warriors to venture out to those places that perchance aren't on the map.

'Love Shack' by the B-52s

v. 'Love Shack' past the B-52s

'Hop in my Chrysler! Information technology's as large as a whale, and it's almost to fix canvass!' booms Fred Schneider on this all-fourth dimension great party song. Admittedly, it'due south difficult to trip the light fantastic toe like no one's watching when you're behind the cycle of a Chrysler (or a Fiat Punto, for that matter), but 'Beloved Shack' will liven up whatsoever road trip. If your bum's getting numb, just whack information technology on and have yourself a little front or backseat disco.

'Sweet Home Alabama' by Lynyrd Skynyrd

vi. 'Sweet Home Alabama' by Lynyrd Skynyrd

American football perchance killed off Southern boogie rock. Hear us out. Because of college pigskin rivalries, this vocal could not be fabricated today. College football is a matter of life and death downwardly there, literally. Iconic copse and people have been murdered over games. Skynyrd was built-in deep in SEC land: The boogie-rock brothers were from Jacksonville, not Alabama, and cut the rail in Georgia. Could y'all imagine a agglomeration of Gators fans cutting a tune that could in any way be construed as 'Gyre Tide'? Yankees and rivals love to mock and loathe the Cerise Tide, but when this ditty plays, every man in the room, no affair the fidelity, becomes a temporary, gen-u-vino Mobile redneck.

'I Drove All Night' by Cyndi Lauper

vii. 'I Drove All Night' by Cyndi Lauper

The irreverent thrift-shop spunk that defined Cyndi Lauper's persona in the 1980s sometimes overshadowed her killer range and sensitivity every bit a vocalist, but 'I Drove All Night'—from her third anthology, 1989's 'A Fourth dimension to Recall'—finds her in a different way. Driven by a feverish desire, she takes the wheel and makes her ain way to her lover'due south bed. (She may coyly enquire, 'Is that all right?' but past that fourth dimension she's already done it.) And Lauper's impressively sustained concluding note is a perfect expression of the song's sense of undeterrable yearning.

'Fast Car' by Tracy Chapman

8. 'Fast Car' past Tracy Chapman

Tracy Chapman'due south beautifully direct 1988 hit, from her eponymous debut anthology, gives escapism an especially poignant twist. The speeding car and its romantic freedom ('City lights stretched out earlier united states/Your arm felt nice wrapped 'round my shoulder') can't exist separated from what it's speeding from: a life of urban poverty, trapped taking care of deadbeats—first a drunkard male parent and then, at the end, the very driver that she had dreamed might carry her to rescue.

'Keep the Car Running' by Arcade Fire

9. 'Keep the Automobile Running' by Arcade Burn

If in that location's one quality that characterizes Arcade Fire'southward sound, information technology's urgency—and nowhere is that more evident than on 'Go along the Car Running' from the band'due south super noir, grandiose 2007 'Neon Bible' anthology. Based on singer Win Butler'due south babyhood nightmares ('Men are coming to take me away!' he pines), 'Keep the Car Running' expands these fears into a sense of global anxiety, and the certainty that there must exist something amend down the road ('Don't know why, simply I know I tin't stay'). On its release, the vocal was likened to prime-era Bruce Springsteen; imagine fans' joy when Butler and Régine Chassagne made a surprise showing at the Dominate's stadium gig to bust out the song with him. Warning: You lot will need to be super-conscientious non to break the speed limit if you play this song while driving.

'Truckin'' by Grateful Dead

10. 'Truckin'' past Grateful Dead

Let us break, and admit the fact that this road trip song has been recognised by the U.Due south. Library of Congress equally a national treasure. Mmmm. Written and performed communally by Jerry Garcia, Phil Lesh, Bob Weir and lyricist Robert Hunter, the catchy, bluesy shuffle turns the ring'due south misfortunes on the road into a metaphor for getting through life'south constant changes. And actually, what'due south a good trip—or a good life—if you lot can't exclaim at the end, 'What a long, strange trip information technology's been'?

'Road to Nowhere' by Talking Heads

11. 'Road to Nowhere' past Talking Heads

The gospel-choir intro to this upbeat unmarried, off 1985'due south 'Trivial Creatures' LP, makes for a great outset to any road-trip mix. The song celebrates the journey over the destination—as frontman David Byrne puts it, 'I wanted to write a song that presented a resigned, fifty-fifty joyful wait at doom.' (Typical of him.) Not every finish indicate is a expert 1, but we'll be damned if this march doesn't have usa enjoying the ride.

'Graceland' by Paul Simon

12. 'Graceland' past Paul Simon

Road trips are a time for contemplation, whether we expect it (or like information technology) or not. Paul Simon's 1986 single is a perfect, toe-tapping example—we're treated to what'southward basically his stream of consciousness on a drive to Graceland with his son after the failure of his matrimony to the tardily, great Carrie Fisher. At turns both cornball and hopeful, information technology runs the gamut of emotions we always seem to experience a little more greatly on the road.

'Take It Easy' by the Eagles

13. 'Take It Easy' past the Eagles

The Eagles took flight in 1972 with their debut single: a quick but mellow paean to the romance of the road, where a world of troubles—romantic and otherwise—can exist shucked at the mere sight of a girl (my lord!) in a flatbed Ford. Cowritten by frontman Glenn Frey and his friend Jackson Browne, the song's rejection of worry and release into insouciant hazard are perfect for relieving tension on a bulldoze. As the lyrics gently urge: 'Don't let the sound of your own wheels bulldoze you crazy.'

'America' by Simon and Garfunkel

fourteen. 'America' by Simon and Garfunkel

Add this ane to your bucket list: Everyone should be required (at least one time) to listen to their restless side, hitchhike, board a bus and become to another urban center/state/land to find something better—as described in Simon and Garfunkel's 1968 classic, which follows 2 young lovers on a Greyhound in search for America. Take your sweetie along for the ride, smoke cigarettes on the side of the road, chat with the weirdos you lot meet on your journey, and past all means, indulge in a few slices of all-American pie.

'Route 66' by Chuck Berry

fifteen. 'Route 66' by Chuck Berry

This R&B standard, written in 1946 by Bobby Troup, has been covered past anybody from the Rolling Stones to John Mayer and Depeche Way. Nosotros're partial to Chuck Drupe's 1961 rendition, which matches the 2,400-mile pilgrimage on the L.A.–Chicago-connecting titular highway to a T. Who amend than the father of rock & roll to back-trail a trip by greasy-spoon diners, tiny towns frozen in time and hit Americana landscapes?

'Home' by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros

sixteen. 'Habitation' by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros

First and foremost a dear song, the 50.A. troupe'south jingly-jangly 2010 smash unmarried is as well, patently, about coming home – making it the perfect road trip song. Naturally, the feel-good tune should be played at the end of your voyage, when you're speeding a flake considering yous but tin't wait to go home to your significant other/parents/puppy/comfy bed.

'Going Up the Country' by Canned Heat

17. 'Going Upwards the Country' by Canned Heat

Released in 1968 and adapted from a 1920s blues song, Canned Heat's highest-charting unmarried was the unofficial anthem of Woodstock—and fifty-fifty after all this time, it's the perfect track to kick off a road trip, a steering-wheel-tapping, smiling-inducing song that makes you immediately pine for sun-drenched fields: "I'm going where the water tastes similar vino, we can jump in the water, stay drunk all the time." Those dudes had their priorities straight…only so long as they had a designated commuter.

'I've Been Everywhere' by Johnny Cash

18. 'I've Been Everywhere' by Johnny Cash

Music has always had the power to educate. Baton Joel's 'Nosotros Didn't Start the Fire' taught u.s. more than 20th-century American history than a year's worth of school hisoty lessons. For a CliffsNotes anatomy lesson, we turned to Professor Sir Mix-a-Lot. And when it comes to geography, there is no better musical resource than this proper noun-dropping country ditty, first released with N American locales in 1962 past Canadian crooner Hank Snowfall. In iv verses, 91 places are rattled off in rapid-fire succession—destinations both big (Chicago and Nashville) and modest (Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, and Haverstraw, New York). This road trip song has been covered many times and adapted for different regions of the world, but we're partial to the Man in Black's 1996 rendition, merely considering his weathered, gravelly bass-baritone suggests a man who has indeed been everywhere.

'Hit the Road Jack' by Ray Charles

19. 'Hit the Road Jack' by Ray Charles

Fiendishly simple with its descending piano chords, 'Hit the Road Jack' is sung from the perspective of a philanderer beingness ejected past his lady. By all rights this 1961 R&B classic should win a prize for being impossible not to sing along to: 'What y'all say?!' screams soul hero Charles to his velvet-voiced Raelettes. Later he complains, 'You can't hateful that,' almost as convincingly as a true cat picking bird feathers from betwixt its teeth. The track'south most memorable utilize in a road trip appears in the 1989 comedy picture The Dream Team.

'Holiday Road' by Lindsey Buckingham

20. 'Holiday Road' by Lindsey Buckingham

Hard to hear this seemingly happy little sock hop without thinking of the Griswold family station carriage zooming to Walley Globe. Every bit its dark video helps to underline, the lyrics speak more of feeling trapped than free. The Fleetwood Mac man was an ace at hiding his boyish ache behind melodic smiles. Which is why this road trip song is such simple genius: It works the same whether you're chained to a desk and longing for a holiday or finally on the highway, shooting to God knows where with no deadlines.

'Mr. Blue Sky' by Electric Light Orchestra

21. 'Mr. Bluish Sky' by Electric Light Orchestra

The sweet spot is 176 beats per infinitesimal. That's a giddy run, the footstep of your footsteps hit the pavement as you jog home later a outset kiss. Though nosotros haven't tested this, we theorise it is the precise cadence of debate posts whipping past your window as you motor downward a highway just above the speed limit. 'Mr. Blue Heaven' is 176 beats per infinitesimal, which is why, whenever it plays, you have the urge to run like a large impaired puppy canis familiaris to a fellow/girlfriend, or permit the wind blow through your hair at 76mph, as you croon along to the vocoder like a robot. Warning: When 'Mr. Blueish Sky' is used without such outlets, it tin cause deep wanderlust.

'I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)' by the Proclaimers

22. 'I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)' by the Proclaimers

If there's one road trip vocal that can unite everyone in the car in the simple human action of thumping any surface is well-nigh them in time with a ludicrously catchy tune, it's this one—a striking in 1988 for Scottish twins the Proclaimers. Fun fact: The 'havering' referred to in the first poesy ('And if I haver, I know I'm gonna be the man who's havering to y'all') is Scots slang for babbling foolishly. So now you know.

'Ride Like the Wind' by Christopher Cross

23. 'Ride Similar the Wind' by Christopher Cross

Take your EGOT and stuff it. Chris Cross has the transportation trifecta—mega-hits for the sea ('Sailing'), heaven ('Arthur's Theme') and road ('Ride Like the Wind'). People condescendingly pigeonhole the guy as yacht rock (the pink flamingo on his smash album doesn't assistance), just he'south truly yacht-jet-and-rental-car stone. Despite its lily-white reputation, 'Ride' is cool and dangerous. Information technology's possibly—no, probably—about drug smuggling. Racing away to United mexican states with Michael McDonald equally the devil on your shoulder. Hearing those percolating bongos, wind effects, electric piano and oily guitar licks, it could fit right on Daft Punk's 'Random Access Memories' album. It remains DJ gold. Call information technology 'Go Unlucky'.

'Ramblin' Man' by the Allman Brothers Band

24. 'Ramblin' Human being' by the Allman Brothers Band

We may not have been born in the backseat of a Greyhound bus (cheers, mum!), but for whatever reason, the idea of beingness a ramblin' human being (or woman) is endlessly appealing. And when nosotros play this 1973 striking—based on Hank Williams's 1951 song of the aforementioned name—on the open road, that's exactly who we are. At least until Monday.

'On the Road Again' by Willie Nelson

25. 'On the Road Again' by Willie Nelson

Nothing beats hitting the open road, where you can escape the stress of work, family unit, bills, metropolis life and just exist free, man. Just inquire tireless road domestic dog Willie Nelson. The Red Headed Stranger penned this 1980 state hit—the ultimate become-the-hell-out-of-town anthem—not in the back of a tour bus simply rather, of all places, on a barf bag midflight.

'Runnin' Down a Dream' by Tom Petty

26. 'Runnin' Downwards a Dream' past Tom Fiddling

Some would argue that we could accept built this unabridged list solely out of Petty tunes—but we had to make a choice, and nosotros picked this 1989 single from the vocal homo'south commencement solo tape, 'Full Moon Fever'. Not merely does it have place in a car, simply the tune's reference to Del Shannon'south 'Runaway' and killer guitar solo make it a perfect fit for blasting out of your speakers while cruising down the interstate in pursuit of the American dream, your time to come destination or simply that side by side roadside burger.

'Let Me Ride' by Dr. Dre

27. 'Allow Me Ride' past Dr. Dre

Dr. Dre's 'The Chronic' album arrived on the heels of the 1992 S Central riots. Folks in Compton were looking to escape and could not—and non merely because of the traffic on the 110 and 405. This was a cry for cruising with the bucket seats dropped back, slow rolling on a resting-centre-rate rhythm and those G-funk dog-whistle keyboards. 'Swing down, sweet chariot, end, let me ride,' goes the chorus lifted from Parliament's 'Mothership Connection,' itself based on a slave spiritual. Simply just because the song hides a deeper political pregnant the way lowriders hide a subwoofer in the body, there'southward no reason Dre can't ringlet in style. Specifically, in a 1964 Chevy Impala shoed with Dayton rims (a.k.a. 'Ds,' equally in 'Throw some Ds on that bitch').

'Born to Be Wild' by Steppenwolf

28. 'Born to Exist Wild' past Steppenwolf

The riff, like the rev of a motorcycle throttle, has go so terribly commonplace, it'south difficult to imagine what it must have been like to hear its 'heavy-metallic thunder' with virgin ears during the opening credits of Easy Rider. Today, Steppenwolf's monster hit is a motion picture-trailer cliche on par with 'Bad to the Bone' and 'I Got You (I Feel Good).' What was once-tough biker rock is now Viagra-ad provender. Withal, if you tin launder out the soundtrack memories of Problem Child, Dr. Dolittle ii, Rugrats Go Wild, et al., the dirty little number still rips, along with a deep huff of exhaust fumes and jazz cigarettes.

'Don't Stop Believin'' by Journey

29. 'Don't Stop Believin'' by Journey

A thousand terrible karaoke performances take somewhat dulled the lustre of this once-gleaming classic '80s song, but once it comes on in the car, you'll exist in love with it all over again inside seconds. Only don't employ it as a road map—at that place is no such place as S Detroit. Okay, there is, but it'southward in Ontario, Canada, and then you might need your passport.

'Interstate Love Song' by Stone Temple Pilots

30. 'Interstate Beloved Song' past Stone Temple Pilots

The underrated STP (hey, that's a fuel additive) was never truly a grunge band. The 'Cadre' album was a trend-surfing pes in the door, the American equivalent to Mistiness's baggy-riding 'Leisure'. Really, the bands take more than melodic ambitions. Scott Weiland, equally his solo albums and pink fur coat proved, had far more Bowie in him than his peers. 'Interstate Love Song'  was the lifting of the veil, when the Pilots announced, Hey, we really listen to the Beatles, non the Melvins. Information technology chugs along with drib-top bliss, fifty-fifty if the chorus is oddly almost trains, not driving.

31. 'Radar Dear' past Golden Earring

Appropriately for a song most driving, this 1973 cut from Dutch rockers Golden Earring is one of the best road trip songs ever written. 'The route has got me hypnotised, I'm speeding into a new sunrise!' wails singer Barry Hay, every bit that bassline gets your head nodding and your foot instinctively pressing down on the gas. 'Radar Love' also has the all-time breakdown of any rock vocal ever. This is an indisputable scientific fact.

'Life Is a Highway' by Tom Cochrane

32. 'Life Is a Highway' by Tom Cochrane

Okay. Nosotros know how heavy-handed these metaphors are. And how forced the rhymes are. Nosotros never said every song on this list was a masterpiece. But nosotros dare yous not to sing along with the chorus of this 1991 cheesefest—specially on a highway. Maybe no one e'er listens to the song in its entirety (sorry Tom), just ane or two 'life is a highway'southward are pretty much mandatory. Requite in.

'The Way' by Fastball

33. 'The Way' past Fastball

Alt-stone band Fastball had a breakout 1998 hit with this fast-driving tale of a married pair that ditches its conventional home and family, in favour of a dream life on the highway with no destination. The feel-good, sing-along optimism of the chorus—'They'll never get hungry, they'll never get old and grey'—has a dark undercurrent: Weeks later their disappearance, the bodies of the real-life Texas couple who inspired the song were discovered in an Arkansas ravine. But all of life's roads striking a dead-finish eventually: Meliorate, maybe, at least to leave the driveway.

'California' by Phantom Planet

34. 'California' by Phantom Planet

Contrary to popular belief, the hair-metallic power carol did non dice by grunge's bullet. The hair just got shorter and the trousers got looser. Case in point: this 2002 theme from The O.C. Information technology is emo made only from the emotion of uncut nostalgia. It is basically Motley Crüe'due south 'Home Sweetness Habitation' for mollycoddled millennials, right down to the video compiled from sentimental tour footage. And information technology is oddly reminiscent of Al Jolson'due south 'California, Here I Come.' That'southward some feat, finding the common ground between Jolson and the Crüe. Man, think when Ryan became a cage fighter later Marissa died?

'Shut Up and Drive' by Rihanna

35. 'Shut Up and Bulldoze' by Rihanna

This electro bop from 2007 isn't a top-tier Rihanna tune, but it still kinda rips. Driven – pun definitely intended – by a crafty sample from New Social club'south guild classic 'Bluish Monday', it's an unashamedly fluffy new wave pastiche that'due south every bit much about sex as hit the open highway. Don't even pretend you tin resist it – especially when the chance of RiRi releasing new music whatsoever time soon seems to get slimmer with each passing year.

'Running on Empty' by Jackson Browne

36. 'Running on Empty' past Jackson Browne

There'south a reason this song soundtracks the Forrest Gump protagonist's famous transcontinental jog: Few pop tunes capture the blitz of earthbound travel—by human foot, by car or, in Jackson Browne'due south example, by bout bus—better than this autobiographical FM-radio staple. But what makes it a classic is the ambiguity in Browne's message. 'I don't know where I'chiliad running at present; I'thousand just running on,' he sings, perfectly summing up how the desire for escape can be its own kind of trap.

'Two of Us' by the Beatles

37. 'Two of Us' past the Beatles

The Fab 4'south dorsum catalogue is replete with songs about travelling around: 'Drive My Car,' 'Day Tripper,' 'Ticket to Ride,' 'Yellow Submarine'—the listing goes on and on similar a long and winding road. No Beatles rail, though, captures the feeling of setting off into uncharted territory with someone special amend than 'Two of Us,' penned by Paul McCartney in 1969. In that location is debate as to whether McCartney's partner in crime in this song is hereafter wife Linda Eastman, equally he claims, or John Lennon, which some of the nostalgia-infused lyrics would suggest. No thing—an impromptu road trip is a good time whether your rider-seat companion is your new flame or your analogue in the greatest songwriting tandem of all time.

'Chicago' by Sufjan Stevens

38. 'Chicago' by Sufjan Stevens

Some songs brand your heart vanquish faster from the offset, and 2005 route-trip song 'Chicago' is only such a gem, announcing its archway in a whirlwind of strings and a rush of percussion. The backing cuts of a sudden to Stevens's voice, whispering that most universal human sentiment: 'I fell in love again—all things go, all things go,' and and so afterward, another familiar feeling: 'I made a lot of mistakes, I made a lot of mistakes.' It'due south this acknowledgement of our frailty, coupled with our irrepressible capacity for hope and excitement that gives'Chicago' its electrifying, driving charge. That and the fact it features in the ridiculously touching route movie Piffling Miss Sunshine.

'Fade Into You' by Mazzy Star

39. 'Fade Into You' by Mazzy Star

Nighttime driving establish a shimmering musical complement in this ethereal 1994 track from dream popsters Mazzy Star. In a rare fleck of sonic magic, it seems that no matter how fast you're driving, the low beats per minute on 'Fade Into You' ever manage to sync upward perfectly with the passing dividing lines visible from your motorcar'due south two headlights. And a night bulldoze, preferably undertaken equally you're pining for an unrequited honey, wouldn't be consummate without Hope Sandoval'south sunset, haunting vocals echoing throughout your ride. Two-lane highway bliss, by moonlight.

'The Golden Age' by Beck

40. 'The Golden Age' by Beck

This 2002 route trip song, off Beck's desolate, heartbreaking 'Sea Change', is 1 of the near perfect and profound illustrations of driving equally a ways of escape. It'south all-time played at nighttime, in the desert if you've got one handy, when you feel like crap only have pretty much come to terms with information technology. And when, as Brook says, 'You've gotta bulldoze all night but to feel like you lot're okay.' Go forth, drive and wallow. Peradventure you'll feel amend in the morning.

'Scar Tissue' by Red Hot Chili Peppers

41. 'Scar Tissue' by Red Hot Chili Peppers

The Fifty.A.-bred Peppers conspicuously know a matter or two nearly hitting the highways, as evidenced by a vocal catalogue riddled with Cali-inspired, crank-up-the-dial tunes. For a journeying out on the open road, we like this lead track off the band's 1999 album, 'Californication', due to its lilting desert-by-twilight vibe. The song'south primary attraction is John Frusciante's wailing guitar solos, which achingly embody Anthony Kiedis's lyrics nigh isolation and the twisted, drug-fuelled paths he's traversed ('With the birds I'll share this solitary view'). Enter tumbleweed, stage correct.

'Every Day Is a Winding Road' by Sheryl Crow

42. 'Every Day Is a Winding Road' by Sheryl Crow

The niggling sister to Tom Cochrane's 'Life Is a Highway,' Sheryl Crow's 1996 hit unabashedly co-opts the use of automotive byways as metaphors for life's ups and downs. (Baton 'the world is a vampire' Corgan obviously misread the memo.) The 'wacky' characters in Crow'south songs are often a bit too precious for our liking—in this case, a vending-car repairman with a daughter he calls 'Easter' (what?)—but the chorus always gets us fired up for some hairpin turns, even when we're cruising down a seemingly endless straightaway. This route trip song works perfectly when your destination is San Francisco'due south iconic Lombard Street, whose residents probably have this tune swirling in their heads 24/7.

'Jack & Diane' by John Cougar Mellencamp

43. 'Jack & Diane' by John Cougar Mellencamp

Inevitably, your route trip is going to hitting some lulls: Y'all're fighting off the yawns, your passengers take passed out, and it'south 57 miles to the next pit stop. When this happens, there's i certain-fire way to get your journeying back on course: Unleash the Cougar. Indiana'due south favourite son specialiaes in songs about the heartland, and his crowning jewel is this 1982 chart topper nigh two high-school sweethearts and the twists and turns of their American Dream. Despite the jaunty beat and an epic pulsate breakdown rivaling the one in Phil Collins's 'In the Air This night,' the tale is cautionary, urging united states of america to savour those thrilling, carefree teenage years. Oh, to exist young, in love and suckin' on chilli dogs outside the Tastee Freez.…

'King of the Road' by Roger Miller

44. 'Male monarch of the Route' by Roger Miller

Did our dads play this 1964 ditty on long car rides when nosotros were little? You betcha. Do we recall they contemplated the potential consequences of making penniless vagabonds sound super cool? Doubtful. Regardless, information technology's a timeless lowest's canticle, and darn if information technology isn't tricky. We really like listening to it in our van down by the river.

'Green Onions' by Booker T. & the M.G.'s

45. 'Dark-green Onions' past Booker T. & the Thousand.G.'s

This R&B instrumental, recorded in 1962, is the perfect soundtrack for an unhurried drive, when y'all're sick of singing forth and ready to just prowl. It's repetitive, much like the open road, but with a steady beat and some soulful Hammond organ to keep things interesting. Widely considered to be i of the greatest songs of all time, it'due south received accolades from Rolling Stone, Acclaimed Music, the Grammy Hall of Fame and the Library of Congress. If AAA had a greatest songs listing, we're sure 'Green Onions' would be on that, too.

'Mustang Sally' by Wilson Pickett

46. 'Mustang Sally' by Wilson Pickett

You can probably blame censorship for our automobile sex fetishes. Early on rock & rollers couldn't sing near sex, so they sang about their cars…with not-so-subtle undertones. 'Mustang Sally,' the grandmother of 'Little Red Corvette' only wants to 'ride around,' and Pickett howls with his pollex out, looking to hitch. Don't let this song'southward karaoke staple condition let y'all forget what it's actually about.

'Going Back to Cali' by LL Cool J

47. 'Going Back to Cali' by LL Cool J

From Al Jolson to Led Zeppelin and Phantom Planet, dozens of artists have tapped into the west dream of the Gilded State. Heck, the tradition stretches dorsum to Gilt Rush ditties of the mid 19th century, Smithsonian Folkways forage similar 'Life in California.' But just ane man made the trip wrapped in precious metals, not seeking them. Absurd J cruises to the declension, every bit he proclaims in poetry, in a Corvette with a Laurents chrome chain steering bicycle, Dayton wire rims and a gilt-leafage convertible top. Rick Rubin's stark 808 beats thunder under the extremely relaxed rhymes of Mr. Ladies Dearest. 'I'm going back to Cali,' he nearly whispers before shrugging it off. 'Hmm, I don't think so' He might go, he might not. With his riches, he is a walking California. That'due south cool. Cool enough to pull off 1 of the few sax solos in hip-hop history.

'The Distance' by Cake

48. 'The Distance' past Block

With the band'south signature horns and a self-serious melody that practically requires head-bobbing and Speed Racer–esque intensity (you may fifty-fifty want to invest in racing gloves), this single off of 1996's 'Fashion Nugget' album is irresistible. The album is filled with more on-the-nose driving songs than this one ('Race Machine Ya-Yas,' 'Stickshifts and Safetybelts'), but this is the money single—and got the album platinum condition. Throw it on echo and hit the open road. Just accept an occasional break for rail No. seven, the band'southward excellent cover of Gloria Gaynor'due south 'I Will Survive.'

'Roadrunner' by the Modern Lovers

49. 'Roadrunner' by the Modern Lovers

Talk about a brilliant juxtaposition: Jonathan Richman's 1972 cutting, written when he was nineteen, beautifully contrasts the Velvet Underground's bare-basic, muddy-as-hell chugalug audio with a subject matter so suburban that Richman'southward heroes Lou Reed & Co. wouldn't dare affect it: The thrill of being young, driving in a car and diggings the radio. The song's repetitive two-chord propulsion is a perfect belatedly-night route-trip pick-me-up. And there'southward a bangin' comprehend by Joan Jett & the Blackhearts to check out, too.

'Have Love, Will Travel' by the Sonics

50. 'Accept Love, Will Travel' by the Sonics

At some stage in your life—at whatsoever point between getting your driver'south licence and getting married, really—yous'll drive from 'Maine to Mexico' for a piece of donkey, equally Gerry Roslie does in this proto-punk classic. The loftier-tension twang of the guitar sounds similar the strings are about to snap, the perfect sonic emulation of sexual frustration. A recent ad for Mexican beer claims you need an 'encyclopedic knowledge of garage rock' to pull upward this vocal, as if from some lost, dusty volume. Nah, this is Rock & Roll 101.

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Source: https://www.timeout.com/music/50-best-road-trip-songs

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